Anniversary fees are non-refundable and non-transferable to other persons.
Registration is paid annually and valid for a twelve-month period beginning the month of your initial registration.
Lower monthly tuition
Discount on Birthday parties
Discount on camps and clinics
Make-ups for the missed class (1 per month)
Participation in Paramount Little Olympics
We do offer, as a courtesy, 1 make-up per month for missed classes. Missed class tokens don't have an expiration date as long as student still enrolled in our program. No Make-ups are given to team competitors who missed team classes.
You must register in advance for a make-up class.
Make-up classes can be scheduled AFTER your child misses the class. We DO NOT schedule make-up classes before the missed class.
Missed classes will not be credited or refunded.
Once a make-up has been scheduled it may not be rescheduled for any reason.
If you are planning to drop your child from our program, be sure ALL make-ups are done prior to the drop date. All make-ups will be voided after you have withdrawn from our program.
There are no make-ups for Gym Toddlers, Adult and Aerial Classes.
PARENTS MUST NOTIFY THE SCHOOL TO DROP A STUDENT FROM CLASS. Only a written notice via email will be acceptable. This notification must be received by the 20th of the month prior to the event that you wish to terminate attendance to Paramount's program. Proof of notification is YOUR responsibility.
Be sure your student arrives 5 minutes before (no earlier please) his/her scheduled class time.
Students must wear proper sports attire. No jeans or clothing with zippers or buttons will be permitted. It can be dangerous to athletes and coaches and can damage equipment.
Long hair must be tied back before class begins.
No jewelry while in class.
Only registered students are allowed on the gymnastics floor.
No food, drinks, or gum is allowed in the activity areas. Please no food in the gym.
Children must be escorted into and out of the gym by an adult. Students are not allowed to wait in the parking lot.
Parents are only allowed to accompany children enrolled in a Gym Toddler class.
We receive the right to remove students from the gym area if they are deemed to be a danger to themselves or others, arising from disobedient, defiant, or disrespectful behavior.
Class participants must wait quietly in the observation area for the class to begin. Parents are responsible for supervising their own children before, during (siblings not in class), and after the class. Children who are dropped off more than 10 minutes before class or picked up more than 10 minutes after class will be charged a fee. $10 for the first 10 minutes and $1 for each minute after that.
Please don’t coach your child from the observation area or any other part of the gym.
We are not responsible for lost items
No smoking is permitted in or around the gym.
Full payment is required for camps upon registration. Please enroll carefully as this payment may not be credited or refunded. The camp fee is non-transferable. While we anticipate enrollment in all of our camp offerings, in the event that fewer than 4 participants are enrolled in any camp, that camp may be canceled.
Late Pick-Up Fee: Our summer camp staff is paid hourly and scheduled based on the start and end times of camp. When campers are picked up after the scheduled end time, the staff is required to stay later. Therefore, Paramount AcoGymnastics charges a late fee of $1 per minute per child for children picked up after 12:00 pm for half-day and after 2:00 pm for a full-day camp. If your camper is picked up late and is not enrolled in Aftercare, you will be charged $1 per minute.
24-Hour Cancellation Policy: As a courtesy to our instructors please allow 24 hours notice for cancellations and rescheduling requests. Cancellations/rescheduling requests that occur less than 24 hours before the scheduled appointment are subject to a fee equal to the full cost of the private lesson. We regret that we cannot make exceptions to our 24 Hour Cancellation Policy. The same policy applies to No Shows.
New students must create an account online, sign a waiver form, and have current emergency contact information on file.
Once you are matched with a Coach, all scheduling must be coordinated directly with that Coach. Our Front Desk does not manage private lesson scheduling.
Private Lessons are not intended to replace our regular classes. Classes will always have priority to gym floor space and equipment.
3 students are the maximum number of students we can accommodate per lesson.